The Positive Impact of Diving with Sharks
Deep Blue Eco Tours, based on the North Shore of Oahu, is determined to lead shark diving trips that are more impactful than simply crossing something off of a bucket list. The company centers sustainability, education, and purpose in everything they do, aiming to turn tourists into advocates for shark and ocean conservation.
Breanna Ward: Swimming for Sharks
While many people fear swimming in the ocean because of sharks, one woman is doing it for sharks. Breanna Ward, driven by a passion for the ocean and its inhabitants, is preparing to swim the Foveaux Strait (Te Ara a Kiwa) in New Zealand, a known great white shark breeding ground. As Breanna swims across vast waters, one stroke at a time, she carries with her the hope of a healthier ocean, where sharks thrive and where fear gives way to respect.

Support Ocean Conservation, Support the Ocean Community
The world of shark and ocean conservation is a small community, and just as we look out for the ocean, we look out for each other. One of our own, Tré Packard, has been diagnosed with stage three cancer. Tré has dedicated his life to protecting the world’s oceans and empowering individuals and communities around the world to become better ocean stewards. And now, he needs the community to rally around him.

Does Your Halibut Come With a Side of Bycatch?
Imagine a nearly invisible underwater fence made of mesh nets weighted to the seafloor. It can be up to 13 feet tall and extend as long as the Golden Gate Bridge, spanning across delicate ecosystems and habitats. Set gillnets don’t just catch targeted fish. They entangle anything in their path, including sea lions, sea turtles, whales, seabirds, and sharks.
Blakemarie Martinez: Journey to Shark Conservationist
Blakemarie Martinez shares her journey to becoming a shark conservationist. An animal she once feared is now what she dedicates her life to. Get inspired by her story and learn how you can also use your unique skillset to support shark and ocean conservation.

A Guide to Ethical Beachcombing
One of our favorite summer activities is combing the beach for seashells. To ensure you make the most of your beachcombing outings and don’t harm the ocean ecosystem, we’ve put together a list of tips & tricks to keep in mind while collecting.

How to Throw a Sustainable Holiday Party
Holiday parties create a lot of unnecessary waste — think red Solo cups, plastic wrap covering dishes, and synthetic decorations. We’ve rounded up our favorite holiday entertaining staples that are sustainable, support small businesses, and give back to ocean conservation so you can eat, drink, and be merry without the guilt!