The Positive Impact of Diving with Sharks

Descending beneath the ocean’s surface with sharks is a bucket list item for many. But Deep Blue Eco Tours, based on the North Shore of Oahu, is determined to lead experiences that are more impactful than simply crossing an activity off of a list. The company centers sustainability, education, and purpose in everything they do, aiming to turn tourists into advocates for shark and ocean conservation.

We sat down with Calvin Morse, Marine Biologist & Owner of Deep Blue Eco Tours, to learn about his journey opening and running a responsible tourism business, his most memorable encounters with sharks, and what he wants the world to understand about these misunderstood species.

SC: What inspired the creation of Deep Blue Eco Tours?

CM: The allure of beauty, elegance, power, mystery, and misconception of sharks served as the driving force behind the inception of Deep Blue. Before I was a teenager, a mixture of fear and fascination ignited my passion for sharks. Witnessing these majestic creatures on television sparked a profound curiosity within me, compelling me to confront and explore my fears head-on. My affinity for the ocean and its inhabitants, particularly sharks, became an all-encompassing obsession.

Embarking on a journey into marine biology during my college years further fueled my fascination. Upon graduating, I moved to Catalina Island for a Marine Science Instructor job, where my love affair with diving blossomed. It was there that I realized my true calling lay in sharing the enchantment of the underwater world with others.

The revelation of shark diving opportunities on the North Shore of Hawaii resonated deeply with me. Immersing myself as a safety diver and captain for years, I became intimately acquainted with these incredible creatures. It was during this time that the vision of establishing a cage-free shark diving enterprise, one that prioritized maximum positive impact, took root within me.

Driven by a fervent desire to educate and dispel misconceptions surrounding sharks, I started Deep Blue. Our mission is not merely to provide unforgettable experiences, but to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the true nature of sharks among the public.

SC: How can the act of diving with sharks change perception, and ultimately contribute to the conservation of sharks?

CM: Diving with sharks has the transformative power to challenge and reshape perceptions of these magnificent creatures. By immersing individuals in sharks’ natural habitat, we provide firsthand encounters that defy the sensationalized and demonic portrayals often depicted in the media. Witnessing sharks in their element reveals their true nature: peaceful, beautiful, and awe-inspiring. These experiences can create a deep connection between humans and sharks, creating empathy and understanding that replaces fear and misconception.

Through this newfound connection, a sense of stewardship and responsibility emerges. We hope that our guests become advocates for shark and ocean conservation, driven by a desire to protect the species and the ecosystems they inhabit. By sharing their experiences and spreading awareness, they inspire others to recognize the value of sharks and the vital role they play in maintaining ocean health.

Ultimately, diving with sharks serves as a catalyst for conservation action. It ignites a passion for preserving these apex predators and the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, ensuring a future where humans and sharks coexist.

SC: How do you center responsible tourism in your business?

CM: As a responsible tourism business operating in the stunning backdrop of Hawaii, Deep Blue is committed to preserving the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem while providing guests with enriching experiences. Our approach encompasses several key initiatives to minimize our environmental footprint, support local communities, and foster conservation efforts.

First and foremost, we prioritize the well-being of marine life by adhering to strict guidelines and best practices during our excursions. Our team of experienced guides and crew members are trained to interact with marine animals in a respectful and non-intrusive manner, ensuring minimal disturbance to their natural habitat.

Deep Blue places responsible tourism at the forefront of our business ethos, guided by the utmost respect for wildlife. Our commitment extends beyond providing exhilarating experiences to fostering a profound understanding of and reverence for the marine environment. Through immersive educational sessions, we empower tourists to become stewards of conservation, enlightening them on the vital role apex predators play in maintaining ecological balance.

Moreover, our dedication to responsible tourism encompasses a holistic approach that extends to the preservation of sacred Hawaiian land. We recognize the importance of educating visitors on the significance of these revered landscapes and imparting principles of cultural sensitivity and respect. By fostering a deeper connection to the land, we encourage tourists to tread lightly and leave a positive impact on the places they visit.

In line with our mission, we advocate for conscious consumerism, equipping guests with the knowledge and tools to make sustainable choices. From promoting the use of reef-safe sunscreen to advocating for beach cleanliness and supporting local businesses, we empower individuals to make meaningful contributions to environmental conservation.

At Deep Blue Eco Tours, every dive is conducted with purpose and meaning, transcending mere thrill-seeking to embody a profound connection with nature. We invite guests to embark on a transformative journey, where each encounter with wildlife serves as a catalyst for personal growth and environmental stewardship.

SC: What are some of the challenges you face running a small business, with a focus on conservation?

CM: Many visitors come for thrill-seeking experiences, checking off bucket list items. Our goal is to shift this focus by instilling a deep appreciation for these animals, the ocean, and Hawaiian culture while onboard. We engage our guests in conversations, highlighting how their experience diverges from what they typically see depicted in the media. Through educational sessions, we shed light on the grim reality of shark killings, their purposes, and actionable steps toward conservation.

Another obstacle lies in the competitive atmosphere surrounding science and conservation activities. It's common for each entity to believe they're excelling while perceiving others as lacking. Building a sense of community and solidarity among industry players is paramount, recognizing that we're all striving toward the same goal of conservation on a broader scale.

Additionally, managing visitor expectations regarding wildlife encounters poses a challenge. While guests often anticipate up-close and personal shark sightings, the ocean's dynamic nature means outcomes can vary. Our crew excels at conveying the excitement of each dive, irrespective of the number of sharks spotted or the ocean conditions. We emphasize the uniqueness of every dive, finding beauty regardless of the quantity or proximity of sharks encountered. Whether it's one shark or twenty, each encounter is cherished as an extraordinary experience—one we're fortunate to witness.

SC: You’ve spent countless hours in the water with wildlife, including sharks and whales. Is there one encounter that was especially memorable?

CM: It's a challenge to single out one encounter from the multitude of extraordinary experiences I've been fortunate to witness. Yet, if I were to pinpoint a moment that truly stands out, it would undoubtedly be the unforgettable dive on Meg's birthday. We were graced by the presence of eight magnificent tiger sharks, including some of the largest known pregnant females on the North Shore of Oahu. In the depths, amidst the silent dance of these apex predators, I had the profound honor of witnessing Roxy, one of these majestic creatures, shedding a couple of teeth. She did not return last summer, so those teeth could have been some of the last ones shed from a very old and famous tiger shark. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by these awe-inspiring beings in their natural habitat, I felt a deep connection to the ocean and its inhabitants. It's an indescribable sensation—knowing the immense power they possess, yet feeling their gentle presence and wisdom as they grace us with their presence. This encounter remains etched in my memory, a testament to the profound beauty and majesty of the underwater world.

SC: Working at a dive operation like Deep Blue is a dream for many. How do you hire your crew?

CM: Hiring crew for a dive operation like Deep Blue is indeed a coveted opportunity, and we approach the process with careful consideration. Our crew members are not just employees; they are passionate ambassadors of the ocean who are committed to delivering exceptional experiences with unwavering dedication.

When selecting our team, we prioritize qualities beyond mere qualifications. While safety divers are required to hold degrees in marine biology and possess proficiency in various water skills, such as freediving and lifesaving, we also seek individuals who embody our core values. These include a genuine passion for the ocean, adeptness in teaching, exceptional interpersonal skills, empathy, adaptability, and a collaborative spirit. Our crew members are not only adept professionals, but also compassionate educators and resilient team players. Whether facing changing conditions or interacting with diverse groups of people, they rise to the occasion, ensuring every dive is both enjoyable and enlightening. Similarly, our captains and photographers are chosen for their expertise in their respective fields, complementing our mission to provide unparalleled experiences beneath the waves.

SC: Why did you choose to partner with Shark Allies as part of the Ally Encounters program?

CM: By partnering with Shark Allies, we see an opportunity to amplify our efforts in spreading awareness and advocating for the protection of sharks and their habitats. This partnership reflects our longstanding vision to collaborate with like-minded organizations and maximize our impact in safeguarding marine ecosystems. Together, we are confident that our collective efforts will make a meaningful difference in the ongoing fight for shark conservation.

SC: If you could have the world understand one thing about sharks, what would it be?

CM: If there's one crucial message I wish the world to understand about sharks, it's this: their existence is fundamental to the health and balance of our oceans. Without thriving shark populations, our marine ecosystems would falter, setting off a chain reaction of extinction and ecological imbalance. Ultimately, the fate of our oceans is intricately intertwined with our own survival on Earth. Protecting sharks isn't just about safeguarding a single species—it's about preserving the very lifeblood of our planet.

Deep Blue Eco Tours is part of Shark Allies’ Ally Encounter program. By booking through this link, a portion of your trip will be donated to Shark Allies’ work to protect sharks and the ocean realm they call home.


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